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Moth by Declan Greene
Winner of the Manchester Theatre Award for Best Fringe Production 2017
Hope Mill Theatre / April 2017
Direction: Piers Black Hawkins
Set and Costume: Frankie Bradshaw
Lighting: Matt Leventhall
Sound: Mark Harris
Movement: Chi San Howard
Photos by Shay Rowan
"I'd wish for a bomb.
Just a huge atom bomb I could drop on this stupid fucking school and this tupid dumb-ass city."
"Visually and stylistically this is a beautiful production. The images stay with you long after the end. " - David Cunningham
"Frankie Bradshaw's set transforms Hope Mill Theatre into a football field, but one thin which the line markings are garish day-glo colours and feature blips that resemble signals on a heart monitor. Moth is a stunningly staged production from a very impressive company"  - Manchester Theatre Awards 
Set & Costume Designer
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